Time Is Zero-Sum
We’ve all lived our corporate “Win-Win” lessons. Of course, every decision need not be a trade-off or a compromise, there are real Win-Win deals. Definitely “Time” is not one of them. Either you choose to spend them on meetings or deep work or home chores. It’s always a compromise.
This beautiful article in HBR shouts-out to “Stop this Madness” about lengthier and torturous meetings that today’s corporate companies have. As organizations grow there is a decrease in the level of communication between different individuals, which possesses a prominent challenge for teams and groups. Therefore, to reduce this communication gap it becomes important for companies to host meetings on a regular basis.
Do you know that the University of Nebraska, Omaha has a center for meeting effectiveness research lab in its department of psychology? According to a slightly dated research from this group, there were an estimated 25 Million meetings every day in the United States of America alone. Though the working age population has seen a modest rise of 17% from 1999 to 2019, meeting hours have grown by more than 100%. Meeting hours of The United States of America have grown FASTER than the growth of its economy. What does it imply? People are spending more time in meetings than ever before and more people are spending time in meetings as well.
They tend to make do for this increase in work-hours by spending less time with their family and themselves. It also means there are no sufficient meeting rooms in corporate America to match its growing demands for meeting hours. All of these result in just one problem – No meeting rooms out there when you need them the most.
Meeting Room No-Shows
We’ve all been shepherded from room-to-room just because we could not enter the room we booked for our meeting. Either we arrived late or because the previous occupant refuses to quit. With middle managers spending more than 35% of their work time on meetings we only expect this demand for meeting rooms to increase. Meeting rooms are the living rooms of today’s organization. It is where ideas take shape, get funded and commitment flows. Internal communication is central to many companies growth strategies.
Considering how communication is important to innovate, collaborate and create, companies spend billions of dollars every year in state-of-the-art software, AV equipment, room spaces, and even personnel. Any amount of spending on infrastructure become useless unless they are managed and monitored perfectly. Room booking software and calendar systems are plenty and every company has their own preference for meeting room requirements. Do you know that exactly how many meeting rooms are actually under-utilized?
Zoapi Solves Twin Problems
Meeting room no-shows and delayed start of meetings are two most important reasons for under-utilization of meeting rooms in any organizations. Can you put an exact number on both of these reasons in your organization? If no then it’s time you consider Zoapi seriously. Zoapi can not only give you the percentage of meeting room no-shows but it can also help you solve this problem. Zoapi comes with a great room-scheduler and a display app for Android tablets. A room schedule display screen hung outside the room can be made visible with a characteristic color code from a long distance.
Just imagine a scenario when you had to find a meeting room for a quick discussion. When you try to book a room, you run into the obvious situation of all the rooms around you are booked. With Zoapi in your office, all you need to do is lift up your head and turn around to look for a room with an orange screen on its door. “Zoapi room scheduler app turns it’s entire screen bright-orange when it faces with a Meeting room No-Show”. That’s right, the Zoapi unit in the room speaks to the display unit outside the room and promptly informs it about a no-show. When the room is occupied with people, obviously either sharing their screens wirelessly with Zoapi or using one of the pre-installed VC-apps they implicitly inform the unit of their presence. No occupancy of a booked-room within the first fifteen minutes turns the scheduler app’s face from bright red to brilliant orange.
Zoapi makes it really easy for individuals to schedule and access meeting rooms with a click of a button. Zoapi’s room scheduler tab on the outside collects all the meeting room status data to seamlessly show which meeting room is not occupied. Zoapi also prevents any overlapping during booking which makes Zoapi a smart meeting room device.
These amazing features along with powerful screen sharing and video conferencing abilities are what makes Zoapi superior to other screen sharing devices out there. If you’re looking for a meeting room device that will help you and your team collaborate more efficiently, you can check out the Zoapi specs here- Zoapi
Looking for the best meeting room solutions? Click here to explore our wide range of solutions designed to enhance collaboration, productivity, and efficiency in any meeting space.