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Adding Scheduler to Dashboard

< 1 min read

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In this article, we will show you how to add Zoapi Scheduler to Zoapi dashboard. Adding a Scheduler to the dashboard allows you to monitor, configure, integrate and manage your Zoapi schedulers easily from the centralized dashboard. Here is the step-by-step process to do it.

Here is the detailed video tutorial for the same

  1. Go to and login by entering the details. If you have not created an account, sign up and create your dashboard account.
    Login by entering details
  2. Navigate to the left menu bar and click on “Scheduler”.
    Click on scheduler
  3. Locate the “Add Scheduler” button on the top-right corner and click on it.
    locate add scheduler and click on it
  4. Provide the desired Scheduler Name (preferably conference room name) and the unique License Key associated with it. Click ‘Add’ button.
    enter scheduler name and key and click on "Add"
  5. Now Scheduler has been successfully added in your dashboard.
     Scheduler added successfully

    Learn More: #

    Zoapi Scheduler Sync –

    Zoapi Scheduler Core –


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