In this article, we will show you how to add Zoapi Scheduler to Zoapi dashboard. Adding a Scheduler to the dashboard allows you to monitor, configure, integrate and manage your Zoapi schedulers easily from the centralized dashboard. Here is the step-by-step process to do it.
Here is the detailed video tutorial for the same
- Go to and login by entering the details. If you have not created an account, sign up and create your dashboard account.
- Navigate to the left menu bar and click on “Scheduler”.
- Locate the “Add Scheduler” button on the top-right corner and click on it.
- Provide the desired Scheduler Name (preferably conference room name) and the unique License Key associated with it. Click ‘Add’ button.
- Now Scheduler has been successfully added in your dashboard.
Learn More: #
Zoapi Scheduler Sync –
Zoapi Scheduler Core –