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Blank screen while sharing screen on Ubuntu 21.04 and above

< 1 min read

With Ubuntu 21.04 and above, while sharing your screen, you might see just the mouse pointer on a blank screen being rendered on the remote display as below.

This occurs with the default Wayland display server that these versions of Ubuntu use by default. Please log out and sign in using the XOrg display server for screen sharing to work. You can find the option on the bottom left corner of the login screen as shown in the below pictures

Choose “Ubuntu on Xorg” option from the settings.

From the 10.7874 updates of Zoapi Hub, the Ubuntu client has been reimplemented using an AppImage and should work on Ubuntu 16.04 and above.

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Read how to configure HDMI Input/Wired presentation on Zoapi Hub:

Read how to configure Access Point on Zoapi Hub :

How to use QuadView for presentation :

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