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Google Calendar – Integration and Mapping to Zoapi Scheduler

1 min read

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Integration and mapping of room calendar resources to your Zoapi Scheduler is a mandatory step to enable its full functionality. Once successfully integrated, the Scheduler will provide the following features:

  • Display upcoming meetings and the complete room calendar.
  • Show room status (Available/Busy) in real-time.
  • Enable on-the-spot room booking.
  • Support auto-cancellation of unused bookings and early check-out options.
  • And many other productivity-enhancing features on the Zoapi Scheduler.

This article provides a step-by-step guide to integrating and mapping Zoapi Scheduler with Google Calendar room resources. Integration and mapping are two distinct steps in the process:

  • Integration: This step authorizes Zoapi to access and list all available room resources with the necessary permissions for mapping. Ensure that the account used for integration has delegate permissions for the required room resources. Integration is a one-time activity.
  • Mapping: Mapping involves assigning each Zoapi Scheduler to its corresponding room resource. A single integration can be used to map multiple room resources to different Zoapi Schedulers.

If you haven’t added Zoapi Scheduler to your dashboard yet, please refer to the “Adding Scheduler to Dashboard” guide before starting the integration process.

Here is the detailed video tutorial for the same

  1. Login to your Zoapi dashboard and go to the navigation bar on the left and click on “Integrations”.
  2. Login to your Zoapi dashboard and go to the navigation bar on the left and click on “Integrations”
  3. Choose the additional features you’d like to enable and click “Proceed”.
  4. Enter the integration name and click “Add”.
    Add integration name
  5. Select the Google account you want to integrate and give the necessary permissions.
    choose google acountGive permissions 1
    Give permissions 2
  6. On successful integration, you will see the below message.
    integration successful
  7. Go to the navigation bar on the left and click on “Schedulers”.
    Click on schedulers
  8. Locate the desired Scheduler, click on the settings icon, and select “Calendar” tab.
    Click on settingsclick on calendar
  9. Open the dropdown menu and choose the correct integration.
    choose the integration name
  10. In the resource section, select the right room resource and click “Save”. Select the ‘Email ID’ to integrate user calendar.
    select resource id and saveYour Zoapi Hub is now successfully mapped to the room resource. You should see the scheduled meetings displayed on the Zoapi Hub screen. If the meetings do not appear automatically, try performing a ‘Cleanup’ or ‘Restart’ of the Hub to refresh the connection.


Note: Newly created room resource might take 24hr to automatically reflect the meetings on Zoapi Hub.

Learn More: #

Google Calendar – Integration and Mapping to Zoapi Hub –

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