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Microsoft O365 Calendar- Integration and Mapping to Zoapi Hub

1 min read

Microsoft O365 Calendar- Integration and Mapping to Zoapi Hub

Zoapi Hub enables seamless integration with Microsoft O365 Workspace room calendars, enhancing the functionality and user experience of your meeting spaces. Here are some key benefits of calendar integration on Zoapi Hub:

  • Display upcoming meetings directly on the Home Screen.
  • One-click join for video conferencing.
  • Connect room controller tablets to Zoapi Hub for added control.
  • Show meeting room status (Available/Busy) with intuitive color indicators.
  • Display on-screen meeting reminders for better time management.
  • View the complete meeting room calendar through the calendar app.

This article provides a step-by-step guide to integrating and mapping Zoapi Hub with O365 Calendar room resources. Integration and mapping are two distinct steps in the process:

  • Integration: This step authorizes Zoapi to access and list all available room resources with the necessary permissions for mapping. Ensure that the account used for integration has delegate permissions for the required room resources. Integration is a one-time activity.
  • Mapping: Mapping involves assigning each Zoapi Hub to its corresponding room resource. A single integration can be used to map multiple room resources to different Zoapi Hubs.

If you haven’t added Zoapi Hub to your dashboard yet, please refer to the “Adding Hub to Dashboard” guide before starting the integration process.

Here is the detailed video for the same:

  1. Login to your Zoapi dashboard and go to the navigation bar on the left and click on “Integrations”.
    click on integrations
  2. Select Microsoft O365 from the list and click on “Proceed”.
    select Microsoft o365Select proceed
  3. Choose the additional features you’d like to enable and click “Proceed”.
    Additional features
  4. Enter the integration name and click “Add”.
    Add integration name
  5. Select the Microsoft account you want to integrate and give the necessary permissions.
    Pick an account
  6. On successful integration, you will see the below message
    integration successful
  7. Go to the navigation bar on the left and click on “Hubs”.
    Click on hubs
  8. Locate the desired hub, click on the settings icon, and select “Calendar” tab.
    locate the desired hub
  9. Open the dropdown menu and choose the correct integration.
    select integration
  10. In the resource section, select the right room resource and click “Save”. Select the “Calendar’ option to map user account.
    resource name
  11. If room resource is not available in the drop down, click ‘Can’t find room?’ and manually add using email id of Room resource/Calendar. Choose the ‘Calendar’ option from the drop down to integrate user calendar.
    Cant find room?

Your Zoapi Hub is now successfully mapped to the room resource. You should see the scheduled meetings displayed on the Zoapi Hub screen. If the meetings do not appear automatically, try performing a ‘Cleanup’ or ‘Restart’ of the Hub to refresh the connection.

Note: Newly created room resource might take 24hr to 48hrs to automatically reflect the meetings on Zoapi Hub.


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