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3. Screen Sharing from Laptops – Browser

< 1 min read

If you wish to share your laptop screen without installing any app, then you can use the browser sharing feature to share directly from Chrome/Firefox/Edge/Safari browser using WebRTC technology.

Note: Support for sharing system audio is not available on all browsers for Linux/Mac and Firefox/Safari browsers on Windows.

  1. Go to and click on screen share from browser option. (You can also go to directly). Bookmark this page for future use.

  1. Enter your Nickname and the Zoapi Hub Pin displayed on the TV and Click on Join.
    Note: On MAC, the browser will require permission for screen and audio recording.

  1. Select Entire Screen/an app window/chrome tab.
    Select Share system audio to play laptop audio on the meeting room display.
    Note: If you are sharing an app window, make sure window is not minimized (it can be in background but not minimized)

  1. Click on Disconnect to stop sharing. You can also close the tab/browser or close from the floating browser shortcut.

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